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Disappearing cars
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This has happened twice so far. The first time I found a green ADA 4x4, drove it to my base, drove it into the base past 3 gates, and as soon as I pulled in up to the stairs on a watchtower I lost connection to the server. When I reconnected the 4x4 was about 50 meters away on its side, with a tree growing through the driver window, and the parts and chassis were ruined. I found another green ADA 4x4 a few days later, drove it into my base, and parked it between two gates, one on a fence on the back of the ADA and a gate on a watch tower on the front of the ADA. I logged off for a day, logged back on, and the ADA was completely gone. The three fences and gates surrounding my base were intact, and nothing was missing from my base, so I can't imagine what else could cause the car to disappear. Since it happened in the same spot, I'm guessing it was a similar glitch. Both times the ADA had all 4 tires, battery, plug, and radiator installed.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

Park 4x4 in base between gates or gate and watch tower.

Event Timeline

JTVevox created this task.Nov 4 2020, 6:32 PM