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DAYZ doesnt load with launcher
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well i cannot use the launcher. however i can click on my DAYZ mod desktop icon which does launch. but it brings up a totally different interface. and many less servers. i was told my pc isnt able to support the game... but thats not true. the game plays if i dont use the other interface. ive used obs to record the actual attempt to log on to a lovonia server as an example but this happens with all the servers from that interface. ive also saved the report. im goping to also record me going into the game via the other interface. pls send me an email if you have a possible fix to [email protected]


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
2004 OS build 19041.152 Experience 120.2212.31.0
Steps To Reproduce

Ive deleted all my dayz files and reinstalled from steam twice. i watched a couple tutorials and did a couple of recommended steps to no avail.

Additional Information

i sent all the requested files and reports to bohemia and someone from there said my pc cant run DAYZ. thats obviously not true.

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