Steam user ID: Yalleh
server name: DAYZ LIVONIA 5375
game version: 1.08.153276
Date : starting July 23th at 9 pm pacific time through 26.
Noticed a large spike in players on my server (which I've seen on other community servers) so I thought that a large influx of cheaters just hit my server. Sure enough a base I had hidden for 3 months was all of sudden found. I can't say I was killed because I just stopped playing (as I did the last time cheaters hit the server). Anyway check it out I'm sure you will found around a dozen cheaters all started playing the server this weekend. If its anything like what I have seen recently on other servers they will come and take everything they can then leave (probably go to a server closer to their location), leaving these servers with nothing left to find (nothing of value anyway).