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Car did 180 and killed us
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This happened right before a reset or crash. On official NY 4403. Two friends and I were driving a car (I forget the type). One friend hopped out to put something down. Within a minute of him getting out, both myself and my friend who was sitting in the back seat died. My friend not in the vehicle heard a loud crashing noise and our car had done a 180 degree turn. All the parts on the car were pristine. Within 30 seconds of us dying, my friend was kicked from the game. When we all logged back in, the two of us in the car had respawn as fresh players. The car was no longer there and our bodies and loot had vanished.


Unable To Reproduce
Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
up to date

Event Timeline

This happened right before a reset or crash. On official NY 4403. Two friends and I were driving a car (I forget the type). One friend hopped out to put something down. Within a minute of him getting out, both myself and my friend who was sitting in the back seat died. My friend not in the vehicle heard a loud crashing noise and our car had done a 180 degree turn. All the parts on the car were pristine. Within 30 seconds of us dying, my friend was kicked from the game. When we all logged back in, the two of us in the car had respawn as fresh players. The car was no longer there and our bodies and loot had vanished.