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Cannot mount barbed wire from inside gate
New, UrgentPublic


I see a prompt to hold SQUARE to dismount the barbed wire, but no prompt to actually mount the barbed wire to the gate when I have pliers in my hands. It doesn't matter if I'm standing in front of or behind the gate, I am unable to mount the barbed wire. Neither the barbed wire nor my pliers are ruined and I have relogged.


Operating System
Windows 7
Ingame UI
Steps To Reproduce

Attach barbed wire to a gate that has an obstruction on the inside, such as a wall or floor, and then try to mount it. There are circumstances which could cause the mount action to not be visible.

Additional Information

I can see the barbed wire attached to the gate when I open my inventory. Why can't I just combine the barbed wire with the pliers I'm holding and execute the action?

Event Timeline

@Geez The mount position for the barbed wire attachment slots moved to a location that was obstructed by a wall and floor. It would still be nice if all action options were available just by looking at the target and using the up/down arrows to select the appropriate action.

fundogthrillionaire changed Severity from Block to Tweak.Jul 1 2020, 5:08 PM
fundogthrillionaire changed Reproducibility from Always to Sometimes.
fundogthrillionaire edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
fundogthrillionaire changed Category from Gameplay to Ingame UI.