Placing ammo trucks next to vehicles and defences to give them infinite ammo (Almost instantaneous rearm of AA weapons, cannon for sub 50mm calibre vehicle weapons and countermeasures such as smoke and flares). weapons such as the Defender/Rhea take several seconds to rearm 1 missile, keeping in mind this doesn't matter due to the nature of the Defender and Rhea just being able to effortlessly spam AA missiles to deny any form of aircraft flight within 16km, even longer if the operator desicdes to LOAL (Possible 20km hits if used correctly). Helicopters such as the Kajman and Blackfoot can also hover next to ammo trucks and have infinite Gun/AA/AG missiles, this is extremely exploitable especially with the Kajman, allowing you to have 6km top down missiles that have no reload along with the method being cheaper then the Rhino.
This "exploit" or "feature", whatever you wish to call it since this is essentially a base game feature is breaking the balance of Warlords, vehicles shouldn't be able to rearm this easily, vehicles should only be able to rearm every certain amount of time, allowing aircraft and ground units to have a chance to do something without being AA/AG spammed. A timer should be set on each vehicle (depending on how "well" they can abuse ammo trucks) to stop them from instantly rearming and instead having them wait certain amounts of time to rearm.
The infinite ammo can be done by any vehicle at any place and its dead simple, this needs to be fixed.