I wish to create a true-melee system.
Main engine limitations:
- Weapon Vector Up
Assuming a weapon has memory points indicating “slashing” axis start and end - perform line intersection each frame the attack animation plays. Engine does not feature a way to get selection on weapon, nor a way to calculate relative position from weapon (weaponDirection does not provide enough pitch / bank information like vectorUp does). It is possible though to get relative position of memory point on the weapon via CreateSimpleObject + selectionPosition. But thats half the solution.
- Action Phase
When an LMB with the melee weapon is intercepted, I wish to play the attack action (animation). Problem is nothing promises me the action would ever play (i.e currently vaulting / middle of weapon switch / etc). Further more, there’s no way to get animation’s phase when applied via an action (so a pre-configured point or keyframe in the action anim can be used to start initiating damage). Generally, a way to raise events from animation to event handler scripts is much appreciated (I think UE4 calls them animation notifications).
If those features, weapon vector up being the really important one a melee weapon system is blocked by, could be added in the coming versions of ArmA 3, - it would be very helpful.
Thanks in advance,
- Yuval