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Dedicated Server FPS drops, and then freezes
New, NormalPublic


Having this problem with my mission on a dedicated server.

If we change the params for the server, but keep it on this mission file, on the first startup of the server afterwards, we always get a "No Message Received" followed by a server crash. Then, after a server restart, we get this issue:

Me and a friend load onto the server and after about 5 mins in the mission, the server FPS/CPS will drop to single digits and then we are both frozen for the other person i.e i can move around and fire, but my friend wont see me moving or firing. We've been through all the scripts and optimized them and it's still happening.

Dedmen also suggested for everyone to disable the Units for each person who joins. This however did not fix the issue.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Start up a dedicated server with this modset
  1. Load up this mission file:
  1. Start up the server, and try to connect
Additional Information

This issue does not occur with the same modset and mission file on a Local Host session.


Server Config (edited due to it being a public server):

Event Timeline