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Flying Car
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After finally getting a Black Gunter its last wheel the vehicle would slightly bounce when I was inside of it and would be controllable but finicky when driving. When exiting the Vehicle my player model would have to "jump" out of the vehicle even though it was at a full stop. I began to drive north and began passing through the town of Krasnostav on the Chernarus Map and made a left in the main square where one of my tires went slightly on the curb and sent me and the Gunter flying into the air spinning profusely and inevitably killing me when it finally spun to the ground. The car showed as Ruined while in the air spinning and wouldn't let me jump out of the car to escape the death tornado.


Have Not Tried
Operating System
Windows 10
Game Physics
Steps To Reproduce

If a car is slightly bouncing then if one of the wheels gets on a different level to the other wheels it should be replicated.

Event Timeline