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0X00000001 UNABLE_TO_INIT_DXGI (only for one server)
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As it says in the title, there is this one server I try to join ( [OS]Exile Chernarus Militarized|Wages|Loadouts-/trader|200K|PVP ).
I was able to join the server fine for a day then I got up to have a shower and when i came back after the server restart, all I get when I try to join is "Signature check timed out".
This is the crash report below, I don't quite know what to make of it, but I think it has something to do with the stuff being loaded twice.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. join the server with all the required mods (doesn't matter which launcher is used)
Additional Information

I would also like to add that I have spent 3 days trying to fix this, so yes, i have been looking through fixes that other people have come up with and the fixes on the wiki.
to name a few:
Updated drivers
fresh uninstall and reinstall of mods and the game (wiped anything arma off of my computer)
Switched between Dev version and back
updated windows
and many more that I can't remember.

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