When setting up a normal supply drop module (not virtual), I intended the helicopter to be flown by players (just as in the Support game mode). But when setting it up with the "Mohawk" and attempting to carry out a test request, no crate was created and when passing over the location the crate was still not created, lastly, when trying to say the mission was a success or failure, the game reports an error in the code and is unable to delete the actions of reporting mission success or failure.
I am trying to understand why this is not working, do I need to synchronize a supply crate? Code one to be created? And what about the issue involving the actions? I am unable to fix these errors since they based in a pre-made module within Arma 3's base game.
How does the resupply system work in the support game mode as opposed to this? Can it not function similarly?
(Note: I labeled this as Severity=Feature, because I believe that a MODULE that comes with the BASE game, should be considered a basic feature of the game. I also listed this under general because there was no option for module issues.)