Server DayZ Livonia US - LA 5375 Address (Game Port)
SteamID: Yalleh
Feb 28 morning Pacific time. Cheaters using code to find anything and everything now matter how well hidden. Can tell when they are in the area without moving and well hidden they start shooting at you from anywhere just shooting.
Feb 28 14:48 pm Pacific also aimless shooting, probably the same person
Feb 29 5:23 am Pacific also aimless shooting, also most likely the same person ( I just logged on and was completely hidden and protected from aimless shooting (OSAB .. One Shot Aim Bot)
All of these happen in the same area and same area I have ben OSAB killed before. I now stay behind trees and hills and wear an assault helmet (its saved me from the always perfect One shot to the head from the OSAB).