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Cars still disappearing after Server Reset
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Played on PC on version 1.07 February 12th 2020
Map: Livonia
Server: Official Vanilla US 3PP

With the introduction of the 1.07 update there seems to be a problem with cars despawning or destroying themselves after a Server Reset on official vanilla servers. My group and I stored 6 cars in our camp and when we got back on after a reset it was all gone. They weren't stolen as nothing else was taken from our base and the cars had missing wheels/parts. Would be impossible to steal so many cars in such little time without the required parts.

This has been an ongoing issue in the past as well, in version 1.04 or 1.05 the cars would also disappear randomly. Thanks for fixing the inventory and all that but PLEASE for the love of god, fix the damn cars. I made an account just for this post because I care about the game and have fun playing it, but major issues like these make it hard for me to enjoy this game. Losing countless hours of progress to a bug is frustrating and as such, this bug should be top priority to fix. Again.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Repair a Vehicle
  2. Store Vehicle in base/camp
  3. Wait for Server Reset
Additional Information

The Vehicles were:

Blue Gunter:
1 Wheel Attached, missing all engine parts

Black Gunter:
4 Wheels Attached, missing all engine parts

Red Sarka:
4 Wheels Attached, Radiator, missing spark plug & battery

Black Olga:
4 Wheels Attached, Radiator, missing spark plug & battery

Red Olga:
4 Wheels Attached, missing all engine parts

White Olga:
4 Wheels Attached, missing all engine parts

All doors, hoods & trunk were closed
Vehicle Health was Pristine for all cars, no damage taken
They were stored in the woods on a flat surface, wich we've been doing for months without any issues

Event Timeline