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Gun Firing but no bullets
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I've just had an encounter where I was able to be beaten to death because my guns (2 scorpions) were firing on my screen but not hitting the person in front of me because from their perspective my gun jammed. Each gun had a full clip, one gun was damaged and the other badly damaged. The first gun fired the whole clip then I switched to the other and fired a whole clip from that, I then switched to my SKS which did the same thing. I've had this issue before where your gun shoots phantom bullets. I recorded it and watched it again, I had many shots lined up on the other player and the player took no damage at all. I asked the other player what they saw and apparently my gun fired 3 bullets then jammed. I do love this game but fuck me sometimes I'd rather get mauled by a pack of Dingoes :)


Operating System
Windows 10
Additional Information

Prior to this issue I was loading magazines for my scorpion guns with no problem then the next mag I tried to load wouldn't load so I tried to eat an apple and that didn't work either. The little action timer circle would appear momentarily on the screen then disappear and my toon never carried out the action. After this I ran outside and got punched to death.

Event Timeline