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A few Dayz Bugs I have noticed
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pouring water sound effect - grab a canteen, starting pouring out water, once the water sound starts walk or run away from where you began pouring and the sound effect stays at the location of original pouring, its handy for tricking people into thinking your in one location when you have moved to another but sadly its a bug - reproducible in 1.06 and 1.07

I have noticed that placeholders have stayed in my inventory once item has been removed, relogging fixes it, but its annoying, I noticed it happened right after i had combined something, don't know much more than that but i have screen shots with my inventory and the place holders all messed up - only reproducible sometimes, might have to do with combining

I added some stuff to a barrel and it wouldn't show the item in the barrel, one i rebooted the game it was still in my hands, this has happened a few times, although by the time i notice it has happened I do not know what I did to make it happen that way - not reproducible after it happened, i was trying to put a sarka tire and Gerry can in a barrel, Gerry can went missing, came back after relog of game

when using night vision the battery indicator doesn't go down, once you remove the battery it then shows the correct amount of charge - reproducible, get night vison, put in battery, use battery for half a night, then take battery out, and it'll be half full of charge but never showed it on the tab menu charge indicator until you take battery out


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
latest version of 1909

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