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Persistence issue on Basecamp in a public server
New, NormalPublic



Version : 1.06

on public server DayZ NL - IP port 2502 :

Some parts of the basecamp were removed and the exact amount of components (nails & planks) were attached to the remaining parts (that's why I presume this is not a human move but a persistency problem) :

  • full level 0 of a wooden tower (the same amount of planks needed to build those part were attached to each side of this level 0 - no nails attached)
  • full bottom part of a wooden wall (9 planks and 18 nails were added to the wooden wall attachments)
  • random second top protection of a wooden wall (5 planks and 10 nails attached to this wall)
  • second bottom and top protection removed to a wooden door (nothing attached)

Also in this basecamp 3 barrels fully disappeared (they were not put there at the same moment and all 3 were touched less than 2 days ago - but cannot be sure this is not a human move)

Is there still persistence issues on public servers ? on private servers ? Is there a way to avoid this problem as persistency is one of the pillar to this game ?
If there are known issues, have you already provided a date in which we could hope a fix ?

thanks by advance for your work and answers,

best regards,


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

I cannot reproduce.

Additional Information

I've seen on the same server an abandonned basecamp where unusual parts disappeared from one day to another, so I presume this is a recurrent problem.

Event Timeline

Sylovski created this task.Feb 3 2020, 11:05 PM
Sylovski updated the task description. (Show Details)Feb 3 2020, 11:20 PM


having an (even small) answer would be great !

Best regards,