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Inventory race condition causes items to vanish
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I was able to reproduce this multiple times, sadly losing a crate full of loot each time.

The key is to have 52 open slots in a field backpack, a shovel on your shoulder, and a wooden crate in your hands, and all clothing items filled to capacity.

If you rapidly press the SQUARE button, the cursor will move from your hands to your shoulder and the shoulder item will be placed in your backpack first because there is a delay and sound effect for the hands-to-inventory action. Since there was enough space when the first button was pressed, the game validates the request and proceeds to put the wooden crate in your inventory. However, because the shovel got there first, and there is nowhere else to put the crate, the crate and all its contents disappear.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Fill your inventory to max except for 52 slots in a field backpack
  2. Put a shovel on your shoulder
  3. Put a wooden crate in your hands
  4. Put the cursor over the crate in your hands and rapidly press SQUARE
Additional Information

I was able to do this several times in a row. It has caused a great deal of loss, but at least I can provide steps to reproduce the problem.

Related Objects

Duplicates Merged Here
T150279: Clothing bug

Event Timeline

@Geez I have been able to consistently reproduce this. Please escalate and expedite.

Geez changed the task status from New to Acknowledged.Jan 31 2020, 1:37 PM

Thank you for the report fundogthrillionaire.
The issue has been confirmed and scheduled for a fix.

Geez added a subscriber: ds2601.
Geez closed this task as Resolved.Dec 2 2022, 2:41 PM
Geez claimed this task.

Resolved for 1.20 update.