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Mouse deceleration
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I'm not sure if this is a bug but it is really frustrating to deal with from an fps gamer's perspective. The game seems to have a mouse deceleration that I can't get rid of. I have tried disabling mouse smoothing as well as running as administrator. If I slowly move my mouse to the edge of my mouse pad and then swipe back quickly, in most fps games I would return back the the original position, but in DAYZ I go about half the distance back. This makes combat really inconsistent for me and I am sure a lot of other people.


Operating System
Windows 10
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

Look at a spot of reference like the edge of a wall or something. Make sure your mouse is at one edge of your mouse pad. Slowly move your mouse to the other end and take note of how far you were able to turn. Then swipe back. You should only of moved about half as much.

Additional Information

I remember another developer for a different game had this issue and they fixed it and told me that the reason why it happened is because they were limiting the rotation speed per engine update on the players camera. Maybe that could be why.

Event Timeline

TheManInMyHead edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
TheManInMyHead changed Severity from Tweak to Minor.Jan 26 2020, 5:20 PM