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Object activation impossible.
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So I build up a wall in a police station, to find out that I build the outside in -_- please be clear UI
I make a gate out of it and open it, just to find out that I can't close it anymore because I don't get an interaction point on the whole thing.
no problem just rebuild the thing... but when I start demolishing I can remove the outer panels but when I try to destroy the frame I can't because I don't get the interaction option once again...


Operating System
Windows 10
Operating System Version
10.0.18362 build 18362
Steps To Reproduce

instead of STEPS TO REPRODUCE let me give the more useful STEPS TO SOLVE

Allow a greater interaction area with walls and gates instead of a very specific area.
For example, the poles that are in the ground AND the location where the gate is when it is either closed or open should have the interaction UI popup to ensure that players can interact with the things they build.

Additional Information

The same problem happens with some none player placed gates.
you need to target the lock but it is such a small area that it sometimes bugs.
It feels really unnatural to stand infront of a giant gate but you can only interact with it if you run to the edge where the lock is (makes sense for a normal door but not for gates)
plus it also creates the next problematic situation.
Stand outside a opened gate (on the side it opens towards)
goal is to close the gate and be on the inside.
at the moment you have to activate and then sprint to be inside before it has closed instead of being able to close it from the position where the gate connects to the fence

Event Timeline