We were playing with my friend on the DayZ NL 3664728 server, heading NE from Berezino - when, at about 22.55-23.00 CEST, I was attacked by a hacker.
I lost my pants, then hoodie and after that my Field Vest. At first, I thought I misclicked and took down my pants and was hoping to find them on the ground, with no success, but soon I was loosing more and more equipment without any action from me. It looked like if someone is just removing next parts of my clothing (errr...) and (a mountain backpack). Eventually, I end up with only SG5-K and a hatchet on my back. Finally, after another few seconds someone unpinned a grenade (I was having on my vest) and killed me.
My friend, seeing what's going on - logged out and escaped unharmed (he lost a chemlight).
This is really frustrating..