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Cannot load any singleplayer campaign besides "Steel Pegasus"
Need More Info, NormalPublic


Attempting to load any campaign will load the furthest progress in "Steel Pegasus", or restart from the beginning of "LZ Nowhere" if no save data is present. "Revert" option either does nothing, or loads "LZ Nowhere" instead. Possibly related, while I do not own "Contact", the campaign appears in the list with a green checkmark over the icon, similar to other campaigns when completed.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Menu UI
Steps To Reproduce
  • Select the "Campaigns" button from the singleplayer dropdown
  • Select any mission of any campaign besides "Steel Pegasus"
  • Click "Start".
  • Nothing happens.
  • Click "Revert" or "Replay".
  • Game will load the furthest progress in "Steel Pegasus", or restart from the beginning of "LZ Nowhere" if no save data is present
Additional Information

Attempted on the latest stable version, no mods enabled. All DLC except Contact is installed. I've already attempted to delete my save data, use the campaign unlock cheat, and reinstall the game entirely. Can provide video of the issue on request.

Event Timeline

zman6258 created this task.Aug 21 2019, 5:51 AM

As a brief update: I purchased "Contact", and the problem remains in a different form. Attempting to launch the first mission of Contact loads "Oreokastro", from the Laws of War DLC instead, in much the same way as the above issue. Switching profiles seemed to resolve the issue, making me think there's some problem that can occur with profiles themselves that causes the problem.

Astaroth changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Aug 22 2019, 5:10 PM
Astaroth added a subscriber: Astaroth.

could you please attach your profile files and savegames? It should be here: c:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Arma 3\ or c:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\ depends if you have this issue with default profile or with some other profile. Thank you.