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NVG dropping from hands whilst interacting.
New, HighPublic


Nvgs dropping sometimes whilst holding and pressing square to interact with doors, ladders etc and sometimes able to find them nearby, sometimes not. As it’s usually dark when I have them in hand, this is very frustrating and I think as we currently have to hold them statically to operate at the moment, this warrants as a high priority fix. Thanks.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Get very close to a door, ladder anything that you can interact with pressing square.
Look through nvgs spam square to interact coming out of “look through” function.

Additional Information

Happens sometimes, almost every nighttime I use them but not with every interaction, at least once..
This time I think they’re gone for good, probably despawn before night’s up to find them. They don’t seem to appear on vicinity even though the drop nearby or as has happened once, into an item spawn spot in a shelving unit within a house, as I entered through a door.

Event Timeline

Owright created this task.Aug 11 2019, 5:09 PM
Owright triaged this task as High priority.
Owright edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Aug 11 2019, 5:15 PM