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Trading With Others/Playing With Others
New, NormalPublic


Sometimes when you're playing with some friends and you're looting a compound you'll find something that your friend needs, so you pick it up for them. Well, sometimes when you go to drop the item you found for your friend they can't see the item that you dropped. It's an easy fix but annoying, once you drop the item and confirm with your friend that they cannot see the item just pick it back up and re log. It's definitely a little annoying having to relog but you can then drop it to them afterwards. Maybe implement some type of trade system with a trade menu like other MMOs? Also, when playing with friends at night sometimes you may notice that you can't see your friends light source shining, in fact, you may see a completely different object in their hands than what they're actually holding. A quick relog also fixes this issue but it can get annoying having to do it multiple times in a gaming session. There's also a glitch where you can sometimes just see your friend you're playing with just kind of floating/gliding/sliding around instead of walking. Again, a quick relog fixes all these issues but it would be nice to just not have them at all lol.


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

DontBeADoop triaged this task as Normal priority.