I've been fully looting tisy base every day 3 times, at different schedule, for a week already on 2 servers (both oficial) and i simples can't find a gun, no joke, i'm not talking about a good gun, i literally haven't found a pistol, i had found alot of useful stuff, like NV, plate carrier, and so on, but not even a single gun.
Just to clarify, since it generate some confusion on dayz forum. It was 3 times every day during a week on 2 different servers, so it's like 40-50 times total.
Just to be clear again, not even a pistol.
On this same server i usually farm that small military camp north of staroye and usually found a gun there (sks/sg5).
Server names are: Dayz BR 4-002 Hosted by Fragnet.net - Persistence Enabled and Dayz BR 4-003 Hosted by Fragnet.net - Persistence Enabled