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Arma 3 Contact Sawn Off Shotgun Ammo Proxies Incorrect
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Hi guys, the ammo proxies for the Sawed-off Shotgun are incorrect/swapped. Currently if I load slugs the shells appear red visually in the gun, if I load buckshot the shells appear green visually in the gun.
To be realistic and true to real life, this should be inverted. The slug shells should be green and buckshot should be red.

I'm guessing you guys know this fact as the ammo is correct in the aresenal but is visually incorrect in firstperson when reloading. This was a simple mistake with the proxies naming or something I'm guessing this should be an easy fix.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Reload the Sawed Off Shotgun from ArmA 3 Contact with slugs/buckshot and watch them visibly enter the chamber.

Event Timeline

Just double checked and this also occurs with the non sawed off version of the Kozlice 12G.

Gews added a subscriber: Gews.EditedJul 29 2019, 4:04 AM

Buckshot and slugs don't have specific assigned colours, it depends entirely on the manufacturer. For example, standard Remington 12 gauge shells are green, and standard Winchester 12 gauge shells are red, whether they contain buckshot, birdshot, or slugs. You could even buy various 12 gauge shells and make a rainbow from the collection.

When loading the slugs into the Kozlice, you can read "LOW RECOIL RIFLED SLUG 2-3/4 70 MM". And when loading the pellets into the Kozlice, you can read "EXPRESS MAGNUM BUCKSHOT".

In this case, it seems the artist based his designs loosely on Federal "TruBall" Low-Recoil slugs (red hull), and Remington Express Magnum 2-3/4" 12-pellet 00 buckshot (green hull).