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1.02 Stable - Summarized Feedback:
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  1. doors seem to be desynced often, especially in little red restaurants, you often get delayed for just half a second when walking trough any open doors.
  2. Accessing Items on the ground and from barrels/seachests near each other is very broken since newest update (was never a problem before)
  3. Items can get bugged in trees again, so you cannot reach it (was fixed in 1.01)
  4. If you are accessing barrels, seachests.. near Fences, you often cannot access the containers. Would be great if we get a special section for building stuff, it gets messy soo fast.
  5. Cars are still fundamentally broken, if they are not flying (official server, 60players), the still feel very bad to drive. Server FPS should not effect them as much as it does right now. (ArmA3, ArmA2 DayZ Mod anyone?)
  6. Bushes and branches from trees still block Bullets VERY effectivly.
  7. if someone is hit several times, he can still jump away until out of stamina. Maybe reduce the stamina to almost 0 after beeing hit?
  8. Inertness and weight needs to be increased. The zigzag radius must be increased. Zigzagging and Sudden 0-100 sprints should be decreased.
  9. When you drop Items they should drop 50cm in front of you, instead directly on your feet (or stomach when prone) so friends can access stuff without need of you stepping back
  10. basebuilding in vanilla is still useless as there are so many ways to break in in 30sec to a minute (saw lock, break fence, jump over, bruteforce code,...)


  1. the resolution is straight out of 2005
  2. a lot of bullets look exactly the same now, just with different coloured tips. (9mm VS 45.ACP for example)
  3. as the new UI is so big, it looks very messy, not clean anymore, no clean borders anymore (check before and after:
  4. lot of icons are bigger than the cells (Scorpion for example)
  5. you are forced to scroll up and down a lot if you want to sort your inventory. (the sorting containers up/down is NO solution for this, mostly a workaround)
  6. -> please just bring back the old inventory from 0.63, -> inventory was good, looting trough walls was not possible and still you could access all visible items.


  1. Bullet damage or hit dedection is very much broken. Bullets in general are too weak. They should drop people way faster (not necessarily kill!). I am NOT talking about armored targets (plate carriers,..)
  2. example1: try hitting someone with a FNX 45 in the throat/neck. - Right now he will happily shoot and kill you afterwards, then bandage and is good to go. Neck should be a vital organ, or at least a unconsious ness and rapid bloodloss thing
  3. example2: try hitting some unarmored target with a makarov 3-5 times center mass. He will not care too much.
  4. example3: try hitting some unarmored target with an M4 in center mass. he will happily run on after 2-3 hits, if you dont hit vitals. He should be at least on the ground ofc.
  5. example4: while Buckshots are the best workinga ammo for now, Pellets are like shooting with BBs, i am not even sure if they hurt anyone?
  6. example5: Hit a guy with the winchester, center mass, 300m, he had an assault vest. Yep, he most likely will run on.
  7. you could add a little randomness about some stuff, about how long someone is unconsious, about bleeding (which should be much stronger when hit with higher calibre)
  8. in general mostly all guns feel to weak (just Buckshot shotgun is fine), maybe consult the ArmA Military guys about correct values.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

mofokrazi created this task.Apr 8 2019, 9:31 PM
mofokrazi updated the task description. (Show Details)
mofokrazi updated the task description. (Show Details)Apr 8 2019, 10:05 PM
mofokrazi updated the task description. (Show Details)Apr 8 2019, 10:10 PM
mofokrazi updated the task description. (Show Details)

@mofokrazi Please create one ticket for one problem :)