It does not return all names of magazines for aircrafts.
- It does not return countermeasures for helicopters (Mi-48 Kajman and AH-99 Blackfoot) and VTOLS (V-44X Blackfish (armed) and Y-32 Xi'An (both)) at all (from all seats), no number, no id and no name; in single player and hosted multiplayer.
- in A-164 Wipeout, To-199 Neophron and To-201 Shikra it does return "Designator batteries" name in single player, but does not return it for Wipeout in hosted multiplayer (only name, string is exists).
- For A-164 Wipeout, To-199 Neophron and To-201 Shikra it does not return cannon shells names and countermeasures names in both hosted multiplayer and singleplayer (helicopters is ok though). But it does return shell name for F/A-181 Black Wasp (but no CM though).
- It does not return strings for 40 mm cannon and countermeasures in V-44X Blackfish (armed) at all (from all seats) in singleplayer and hosted multiplayer.
Other vehicles was not tested by me.