In the F/A-18 mod we use the landing and landingCancelled eventhandler to let the AI land safely on carriers. For this purpose the tailhook is lowered or raised. On a dedicated server these eventhandlers are triggered for player controlled planes instead of merely AI piloted planes. As a workaround we check for isPlayer now:
landing="if (isPlayer(driver _this # 0)) exitWith {}; (_this # 0) animate [""tailhook"",1]; (_this # 0) say3D ""FA18_tailhook_down_sound"";[_this # 0] spawn TTT_fnc_arrest; [_this # 0] spawn BIS_fnc_AircraftTailhook;"; landingcanceled="if (isPlayer(driver _this # 0)) exitWith {}; (_this # 0) animate [""tailhook"",0]; (_this # 0) say3D ""FA18_tailhook_up_sound""";