Hi everyone at DayZ staff!
And thank you for having this bug report thing, so I took my self some time to find out how to do this by register my self on here, Havent seen this bug report thingy before, a very nice thing! Thank you! I will from now on report any kind of strange bug or even true CTD crashes from now on. I hope I´m doing everything correctly as I have never done a such thing before in this kind of way & order. So please bear with me sir!, Mostly only direct forun text report explains or those crash CTD bug report popups & you click send away & then it´s done.
For this bug here! I will carfully explaine + I saved up those crash report files from your Bug report popup? I´m not sure to place drop in here as they became several Mb in size? But I will try that soon.
I started up my game to try out the new beta version, to explore & to see all the new things since the Experimental brand since Spring of 2018
Everything worked just fine, expect 1 strange crash at first. But I never saved anything nor register my self in here yet in the first place.
Restarted and played on, things worked pretty good. Till another very old bug appered, this time ingame. By allrdy having a rifle on me & swamped my self to a new one "a shotgun" then in the inventory I started to reload it up.
But the animation got it self a bet strange off, how the charakter where holding the shotgun in he´s hand & I were not able to do anything, expect only walking around, Couldnt drop it to the floor by G key, not even swamp it with anything else. It´s an old bug from the past I remember & I dunno how to reproduce that bug I´m sorry!? So I exited my self from the server an re entered it, perhaps it was something out of sync or last connection to the server?
Now we are coming to the true bug crash CTD. As I played on & everything worked just fine, I noticed the sun FX star Flare on top of my screen, a normal sun texture glowing yellow sun thingy. I thought as I never saw or could remember it that a such old way of showing that the sun is actually shining into your charakters eyes by a simple freezed on texture picture? Even on diff angels & even inside the house.
As I even at the start of my adventure I did changed some new settings in the GPU setting section & I thought that maybe this was set onto as a visual
point of view, atleast with a poor sun texture reflextion as some games do this ofc. So I entered into the graphic settings once again and tweaked with a few settings & pressed Applay and then the game crashed again!?
Also to be fair, my Settings are set on some part to Extreme and high and very few things are set to Medium that I do not need & getting a range of 100+ FPS to around down to 60
I was just going to be sure that maybe some setting was perhaps to low to give a true real illusion when the sun glows bright into your eyes at first, instead I ended up with that simple bright glowing 1 simple on moving bright sun star texture. As I really couldnt remember this from the past when the sun really is shinning us right into our monitor view, that is why I wanted to see, if you fellows hade a greater real sun FX code implemented in this beta version! :)
Because it feelt so from the past memories? But ofc I can be really wrong on that. So by turning on a few diff GPU settings & then I pressed Applay & then there was a crash back to deskop.
It could even been so due to my PC hardware or something else ofc? I have even done a steam intergrity check. I´m using a 16 gig ram with AMD FX - 8350 model 8CORE at OC 4.41Ghz & a Gforce 1080 TI 11Gig Extreme ZOTAC on a Ultrawide 3440 x 1440 Screen.
I do know that this little bug crash might not be so very important perhaps? And that I´m typing alot of text as you all perhaps do have alot others more important things to do. But I as an very old man really wanted to to share something back, it´s not much but I hope that I could continue to send in bug reports on anything that hits me on during my game play since all the years.
Thank you for reading & Thank you for all the years and extremely hard work of an amazing creation, I hope you all will make it to the end.