With gunplay, there's some issues and tweaks I should let you know, see, and demonstrate.
- When using MMB to ADS w/ a firearm. Naked eye zoom is used within the transition from point-aiming and ADS & vice versa, causing for some unpleasant transition, and a bug where you can MMB zoom further when in Point-Aim, and ADS. Video shown below
- You can glitch/bug out your firearm, by holding an ammo or magazine hotkey while in ADS with your gun.
Reloading will take out of ADS, & cause this bug once again, where the gun is aligned where it should be in ADS mode, but rather you're in Point-Aim, creating this rather unconventional & huge weapon blocking your screen, that isn't accurately aligned for Point-Aim
- On to the recoil aspect. The first iterations are looking great, but I feel the SVD, Mosin, and FNX need tweaking in particular for recoil and it's movement with the kick.
SVD: Recoil should be increased vertically, horizontal seems fine, but it just doesn't have enough kick to it to make it harder to control. Very low vertical recoil for a powerful DMR.
Mosin: Same with Mosin. It needs much higher vertical recoil, and needs to kick up high, after shooting out a 7.62x54 caliber bullet.
Again it kicks up a bit, but similar to of a AR or Pistol, so that's disappointing :(
It needs kick! to make lining up that second shot harder, & to give it that powerful feel!
FNX: This one is more of an issue, rather than tweaking. When you shoot the FNX, the front iron sight constantly shifts in the same direction to the left a fair amount.
This concerns me because, it blocks a fair amount of your target, it looks unnatural since it has the pattern of just swaying to the left every time you fire, the same amount each time.