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[STABLE 2018-11-12] Point-aiming misaligned/botched after sprinting
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With the new update, there's that bug that happens when your scope pops up for a second when you sprint.
I know you guys know this, but as a result of reintroducing SHIFT to ADS back (please don't take away SHIFT to ADS)
there's another bug/issue that crops up.

Once you use SHIFT to sprint, with a weapon in your hand, the visual model of the firearm in your hands, become distorted, misaligned, and botched.
The gun is pointed in a way where you are in ADS mode for the character, yet you as the controller, see it in Point-Aim.

If you look in 3rd person, you will see your character ADS on the weapon visually (one eye closed, the other viewing the sights) (This so far seems to be really bad with guns like mosin, covering your entire screen)

This happens most apparent in the new update, (with the sprinting bug), but it also occurred before.
Another way to get this weird bug is, if you are ADS with a gun, and you go right next to an object which activates the weapon collision, the gun gets glitched in the same way.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Have a firearm in your hand
  2. Sprint using LSHIFT
  3. stop and Use point-aim (Hold RMB)
  4. Look at the way the weapon seems to be visually distorted to be used in point-shooting in 1PP
  5. In 3PP, look at the way your character is holding the gun, and how he's looking down the sights of the gun (like ADS)
  • with guns like the Mosin, activate this bug, and try point-aiming around with it either in standing crouched, or prone and it covers up a good amount of screen especially in crouch. Looks awful too

To activate with weapon collison

  1. Have a firearm in your hand
  2. Go ADS
  3. Go next to any geometry (wall, tree, human) to activate the weapon collision
  4. Once the weapon collision activates, and blocks use of the gun
  5. Use point-aim (Hold RMB)
  6. Look at the way the weapon seems to be visually distorted to be used in point-shooting in 1PP
  7. In 3PP, look at the way your character is holding the gun, and how he's looking down the sights of the gun (like ADS)

Event Timeline

xArmanR created this task.Nov 12 2018, 11:00 PM
xArmanR updated the task description. (Show Details)Nov 13 2018, 10:26 AM