Head torch (not sure about any other light sources) is basically unusable indoors and the light doesnt move if you hold alt and move the camera (turn your head)
.. not sure if this is a structure or a light/graphics problem
Head torch (not sure about any other light sources) is basically unusable indoors and the light doesnt move if you hold alt and move the camera (turn your head)
.. not sure if this is a structure or a light/graphics problem
equip a head torch, add battery, turn it on and go inside any building
screenshot before entering a building https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/975487961792777812/EF364CFD60A3B2F58CE3C6B30A369628A3D2CBD3/
screenshot inside the building with the head torch still on https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/975487961792778025/609D69466060F531B35375D13B96B96D01520F30/