Date of Occurance: 10-1-2018 and several days prior.
I play on Xbox One X and have noticed major frame rate slow down and stutter in large cities.
- I have noticed frame rate stutter and slow down to the point of game freezing in Novodmitrovsk and Zelenogorsk recently either needing a restart or sometimes if you wait about 30 seconds to minute it may stop. This has happened in other cities also. I do not have a screen shot.
- I have noticed it happening when I initially log into the city or even if I have been playing a while.
- I have noticed this both when alone but more when playing with friends, 1 or 2 other people in Xbox party in same area.
- It seems to happen more when I aim down site with an ACOG equipped on M4 or PSO-1 equipped on AKM.
Hope this is helpful.