I have noticed that using the sector module using modded vehicles, the module ignores this
the reason for this is on the BIS_fnc_moduleSector code, specif on the this section
_simulation = gettext (configfile >> "cfgvehicles" >> typeof _x >> "simulation");
_xScore = switch (tolower _simulation) do { case "soldier": { [_x,_costInfantry,true] call _fnc_threat; }; case "carx": { [_x,_costWheeled,true] call _fnc_threat; }; case "tankx": { [_x,_costTracked,true] call _fnc_threat; }; case "shipx"; case "submarinex": { [_x,_costWater,true] call _fnc_threat; }; case "helicopterrtd"; case "airplanex"; case "helicopterx": { [_x,_costAir,true] call _fnc_threat; }; default { 0 }; };
on some 3rd party mods not all airplanes use same simulation as per example iron front uses "ariplane" and arma uses "airplanex"
not sure best way to test for type of vehicle is use the type of simulation used or maybe include a default alternative where if a no recognized vehicle is detected a value can be set for the cost.
thank you.