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Screen Boundaries
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There's no way to adjust the screen boundaries, so I'm missing a stamina bar, and a water indicator. They are literally not present on the screen. I was wondering why I was dying and losing health when I realized the droplit is the blood indicator and not the water and I was missing the water one. The game is basically unplayable if I want to survive more than 30 unless I'm just guessing what my waters at. I see this problem quite a bit with Game Previews but this seriously needs to be addressed and fixed asap.
I currently have my Xbox connected to a 32inch Sanyo no idea of make or model. Using the original ordinary Xbox, with the HDMI cable that came with it. (Ik my friend has a similar issue, but he isn't missing as much of his screen, and I'm fairly certain he has a smaller TV)


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

roder created this task.Aug 31 2018, 9:39 PM
roder triaged this task as Immediate priority.
roder changed Severity from None to Major.
roder changed Reproducibility from N/A to Always.
roder changed Category from General to Gameplay.


My friend had the same experience with it being cut off. I just assumed it was something he had setup wrong on his side, as I had 6 other friends join me online and none had that issue.

I 100% agree that because there isn't a screen adjustment option it isn't able to be fixed by the end user. With that said, could you add your specs to here as well (TV Make/Model, Connection type, size, XBOX you're using, etc..).

I wasn't able to get anyone else to re-produce it and my friend hasn't been on since last I spoke to him. I am sure this information will help the dev team.

roder updated the task description. (Show Details)Aug 31 2018, 11:06 PM
roder updated the task description. (Show Details)Aug 31 2018, 11:16 PM

I'm playing on it Xbox one and a 50 inch Samsung tv no idea of model. I changed the aspect ratio from 16:9 to fit to screen and I dunno how universal that is, but it's worked until the issue can be resolved in the other end