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Gun won’t fire makes the noise but nothing shoots
Assigned, ImmediatePublic


All of my guns make the sound as if I’m shooting it but no bullets come out and I know this because I will face a wall and shoot at it and there’s no indication of my bullets hitting the wall. I asked my friend if he saw me shooting and he said no it’s just making the sound it makes when you have an empty mag. I try reloading my gun but it just keeps doing the same thing. Sometimes the gun actually works but the majority of the time it never works and it usually ends with me getting killed because my gun on my screen shoots but for everyone else it doesn’t. I asked my friend if he’s ever had this problem and he said no he hasn’t so I don’t know if it’s just me but I hope you guys can fix it soon.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

From what I can tell it’s either from playing the game after a while or it’s from crashing or it also could be from when the servers say lost connection to the host.

Event Timeline

Big_PaPaTacos triaged this task as Immediate priority.

Same with all guns for me. Probs need to kill yourself to fix. Been alive since day 1 so recluctant to do that.

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Sep 4 2018, 12:05 PM
darcy added a subscriber: darcy.Sep 4 2018, 8:04 PM

Same my M4 fires no action is shown but clip size goes down.
Friends and other players can see this.

Also bullets dont work.
Aiming dosnt work
Reloading dosnt work.
Clips get stuck.