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Spawned, and Killed by an Invisible Player
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Before beginning, this bug happened before which I will describe in this report.

During patch 0.63.147489, I went on an official DayZ server but I do not know which one specifically, all I know it was one of the DayZ US [Area] #-# (Experimental/Unstable). When I logged into the game I was immediately being hit by something, I suspect it was a player. The hitting was punching, and I know this because of the animations that happened when I was punched. I spawned in Berezino near a police station in an apartment complex, I saw no players around me but I was being hit by something invisible. I noticed that the punching was not static in one area or position, wherever I went the punching followed me. The punching was not continuous, that is to say if I went out of range I was not being punched, but depending on how close I was to whatever or whoever was hitting me, if I stopped I would be punched again. There were no patterns. I did run out of the building that I was being punched inside, and I ran out of Berezino into the open, there was no zombies or players around me, but I was still being punched. That is where I died, this is the second incident of this actually.

The first incident was before patch 0.63.147489, during Stress Test #30. I was at the outskirts of some city near the ocean or fresh spawns (I did not log in this time, I was playing for a while), and I was scouting around when I was suddenly being punched. I moved around and I thought it was first someone was somehow shooting at me and I was just getting hit by the bullets, but I noticed I was not bleeding, my health was simply going down. I moved into the forest and I noticed a single player out in the open who was punching the air, completely static as if frozen in place. That's all I saw, and I simply aimed my gun at him and shot the static player, he died and the punching stopped completely. I noticed that the static player also did not turn around in any direction, did not perform any other animations other than punching, he was not walking nor running in animation. He was completely still.

That's all I know.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Windows 10 Version 1803

Event Timeline