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Guns have no mags, but show mag with 0. Can't install mag on top, can't remove non-existing mag, can't ADS another weapon once you try.
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So this has now happened with an MP5 and USG45. The graphics don't have a mag, but when you put it in your hands and tab, there's a mag image. You can't install a real mag on top of it, and once you do, if you pull out something else, like an IJ-70, you can no longer ADS. Reloading game doesn't fix it the mag issue - I've restarted maybe 5 times now. After restart, you can ADS the IJ-70, but the guns appear to be perma-broken. You can load 1 round into the chamber, but I mean... hehe


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

When it happens, it happens Always - but I have found guns that accept mags, just not good guns (yet) ;)

Additional Information

Event Timeline

Protiss created this task.Jul 1 2018, 2:29 AM
Ashoo added a subscriber: Ashoo.Jul 1 2018, 8:41 AM

It happens when You don't have inventory space and You pick up mag to your wep. It goes straight to wep and bugging it.

That is helpful information, but can you verify that once a weapon is bugged, it is permanently bugged? I am picking up weapons in this condition - when I have *plenty* of space myself, as you can see in my image.

So, if someone else bugs the weapon and then drops it, and I pick it up later, it seems (from my observation anyway) that it is still bugged.

It's good to know that the issue is already identified, thank you for the info.