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Battle eye client not responding
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When I join a server on .63 exp I will get kicked after a few minutes of being on there. It gives me the message Battle eye client not responding. I noticed that a bunch of other people are getting kicked for the same thing, this is leaving the servers almost empty.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Join any server on .63 exp and I will get kicked after a minute or so.

Additional Information

I verified game files and still am having this problem.

Event Timeline

Billyk222 updated the task description. (Show Details)
Billyk222 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)

Everyone is having this issue atm i think i cant get on either and the log box is spammed with the issue yet no tweet or anything from the devs ... :(

same here on all low exp server

Same issue here. Tried as many different fixes as i could google. Re-installed game. Re-Installed Battleye. Changed Battleye service permissions level. Ran diagnostics on router, Ran ping tests, verified game files several times in steam, removed "battleye" folder and battleye files and then re-verified files to get 10 files replaced. Tried different servers, tried setting battleye service to manual and forcing it to run. Nothing makes any difference... This really is a game breaking bug.. we can't even test!

For some reason this problem now seems to have cleared up by itself? I can log in and play now without problems. I assume it must have been something their end on the server perhaps?