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My character keeps resetting everyday for the past 3 days
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i was originally in electro with gear and i logged in to find my character spawning as if i died. i exited to find my old character save but there was none. so i just restarted and got geared again. i logged on the next day with no gear again after i had fully looted up with an Ak and everything spawning at the same spot. so i tried again...looted up a third time and got off last night to come on today and finding that the exact same thing had happened. this is really annoying making the game unplayable i gave it a good chance and im done now.


Operating System
Windows 8 x64
Steps To Reproduce

logging in after taking more than a 12 hour break

Event Timeline

If this is on the experimental build then its because wipes are done every stress test. Disregard this if you're not on the experimental build or you are aware of the wipes.

so there is a different stress test everyday then?

because i had my previous elecro character for a while without a wipe
Ps i was aware there were wipes but wasnt aware they happened everyday