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AKM Mag "Locked" into AKM.
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My inventory was full but I had an AKM without a mag on my back. I pressed "F" to pick up an empty AKM mag and it went into the gun. Every time I tried removing the mag it would not come out and the AKM would be stuck in my hand for around 10 seconds.


Have Not Tried
Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

Fill inventory, put AKM without mag on back, press "F" to pick up an AKM mag. Try to remove mag.

Additional Information

Playing on 1st Person Experimental NA-NE server (it's the only 1st person NA-NE server, forget the exact name, sorry).

Event Timeline

Another user reported a similar bug on Reddit:

"I have a question about damaged weapons right now. Today I picked up a Badly Damaged AKM with no clip. I ended up finding a clip and when I picked up the clip, it went straight into the gun and not the inventory. The clip had 13 shots in it. The clip didn’t actually show up on the gun when I pulled it out, it would just look like there’s no clip, but if I tab into my inventory, it would show a clip is in my gun. I tried on multiple servers to take the clip out/ put another clip in and it simply won’t work. Is this a known bug or something not seen before?"