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Inventory on ground incorrectly labled
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I am playing on Centraleast -03. I played on the same server Friday night and was able to log back into the same character. Today when I am in inventory screen and I hover over an inventory item under "Vicinity", the title for the inventory item is "Hunting Jacket" no matter what item it actually is. A battery, a flashlight, a motorcycle helmet, anything. When I am in FPP the title shows up correctly when looking at the item on the ground, it is just in the inventory screen the title is "Hunting Jacket". My character is wearing a hunting jacket.

Also had a bug with a can of tuna that would not let me open it. I had it in my hand in FPP and was click-holding LMB but nothing happened. It finally opened when I rapid clicked LMB several times. This was aproximately 9:45 CST on May 20.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Menu UI
Steps To Reproduce

Every item viewed in inventory vicinity shows up with wrong title.

Event Timeline

BeauTieX created this task.May 20 2018, 5:04 PM

Помоги пожалуйста. КУДА НАДО НАЖАТЬ, ЧТОБЫ ОТПРАВИТЬ ЭТОТ ЧЕРТОВ БАГ???? Долбанный сайт, ничего не понятно