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Dayz issues and ideas!
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Game runs good, looks good, feels good, but there are a couple of things im not so happy about.
First: The melee is to wonky and it honestly feelt way better in .62 and same with the zombies.
Second: Stamina needs adjustments because it runs out way to quick and goes down too much if you have gear on you.
Third: We need more loot, loot is a key aspect of this game and you should allways go into a building and allwas find something, the levels of the amount of loot should be like in Arma 2 Dayz.
Fourth: The quality of items is not good, when you're in a intense gunfight and finnaly kill someone and walk up to there body to loot them and notice that all of their gear is ruined is just deppressing, when you risk your life to kill another you should get some reward and in this game it is to still be alive and also get loot. Get rid of the quality system or tweak so gunshots dont ruin stuff!
Now there is an idea that i like to share and it goes like this, when you spawn you spawn with a map with a cordination system over chernaurus(not showing the player position) and also spawn with a radio/walkietalkie, and this radio will sometimes give all the players a message with some cordinates for a supply drop that will drop or a helicopter crash. This feature will give the player to chose if they want to go to those cordinates and most of the time get into pvp and get some extra gear.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
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