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DayZ joining error: modified data:dta\offline db.pbo
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Hello, I want to play the stress test. If I want to join a server, unfortunately, I always get the same error. no matter what a server. I have already googled but unfortunately I find nothing. I hope you can help me
(I have already repaired)

when I join, the loading screen comes for a moment. But then immediately comes this error message

modified data:dta\offline db.pbo


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Error Message
Steps To Reproduce

I have uninstalled the game and then re-downloaded and reinstalled

I have already repaired

Additional Information

I have already googled but unfortunately I find nothing.

Event Timeline

stahlelch updated the task description. (Show Details)May 19 2018, 3:19 PM
stahlelch edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
stahlelch updated the task description. (Show Details)May 19 2018, 3:22 PM
stahlelch renamed this task from DayZ Standalone to DayZ Standalone modified data:dta\offline db.pbo.
stahlelch updated the task description. (Show Details)
stahlelch edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
stahlelch renamed this task from DayZ Standalone modified data:dta\offline db.pbo to DayZ joining error: modified data:dta\offline db.pbo.May 19 2018, 3:24 PM
stahlelch edited Additional Information. (Show Details)

I'm having the same problem. I've verified my game files in steam successfully (no files were downloaded). I uninstalled and manually removed any DayZ folders found in My Documents and AppData. After reinstalling and then upgrading to 0.63, I still get kicked immediately with the error:

modified data: dta\offlinedb.pbo

I've had this problem since the stress test branch opened up. I've never been able to join a 0.63 server, I've only been able to play offline.

I have solved the problem now. i have uninstalled the game again via steam (everything). then I reinstalled it on another hard drive (ssd). before that was medium D: now I have it installed on C: and it works wonderfully. no more mistakes. I hope that works for you too. let me know if it works. greetings

ztranger added a comment.EditedJun 7 2018, 11:56 AM

stahlelch, try to delete both offlinedb.pbo.dayz.bisign and offlinedb.pbo, or move them out of steamapps main folder (you can compress both files and keep them in their folder, but delete both .pbo and .bisign files. You may keep the compressed file as a backup). If you get another message regarding another file, you can proceed the same way. Hope it helps.

FRINGZY added a subscriber: FRINGZY.Jul 9 2018, 7:51 AM

did you fix it. this happened to me to

I'm using fullscreen. Fullscreen-windowed has the flaw of blocking me from accessing the desktop in Windows 10, steamdb which I believe is Microsoft's fault and not BI's, otherwise I would be using it.