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Character Locked In Database
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I receive an error saying, "Character locked in database, remaining attempts 5" whenever I try to connect to any stress test server. I tries five times and then I kicked off the game with a message saying, "Warning. You were kicked off the game. (Character locked in database). I had been playing for about 3-4 hours straight without any issues like this.

It may just be a coincidence but I tried to join US Southcentral 1-1 (Stress Test) server and got kicked by battle eye with an error that said something about battle eye not responding. After that I couldn't join any servers. That US Southcentral 1-1 server also was set to day while all the others were on night. It was reporting a low population also. Maybe Southcentral 1-1 has some sort of bug going on? I'm not sure.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
1803 (OS Build 17134.48)
Steps To Reproduce

Every time I try to log into a stress test server I get the error and eventually kicked.

Additional Information

If needed this is my Steam Profile:

Steam ID: 76561197995424796
BattlEye GUID: a2322b23efdcf6017d83ed14f59a507c

Let me know if you would like any additional information or have any questions. Thanks for making such a kick ass game!!! :D

Event Timeline

dontbesquare updated the task description. (Show Details)
dontbesquare updated the task description. (Show Details)May 19 2018, 2:19 AM

Same problem here