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Major Stuttering/Freezing, computer partial lock up DayZ 0.63 stress test 11
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Logged in into town (did not get name) everything was fine, very smooth.
After several minutes went into a shed, and suddenly experienced major stuttering in both visual and sound, almost totally frozen.
Entire game and interface experiencing same thing,
Had to close DayZ through it's process.
Computer needed a hard reboot.
When I tried to relaunch DayZ, it was slow and stuttering just trying to get past the agreement phase.
Verified files.
Tried to log back onto server - connection lost - server went down.


Operating System
Windows 7
Operating System Version
service pack 1
Steps To Reproduce

Unknown whether it can be reproduced, since I don't have the name of the town or the location of the particular shed.

Event Timeline

Happened again - first time in windowed mode, this time in 1920x1080x32 mode. First time in a small shed that has open areas in the walls. This time in one of the garage/sheds.
Both times in a shed.
Had to end DayZ.exe process,
Steam locked up.
Unable to end all steam processes.

Also, between these two events, I had restarted my computer, restarted Steam, and tried to log into the same server southcentral - 0-5. Server went down. Logged in again once up, in windowed mode, had micro stuttering. Met another player having the same.
Switched to 1920x1080x32 and everything was much better, until this repeat of the event reported.

Not sure if it is simply a coincidence this type of event happened in a shed each time, or if I just happened to be in a shed both times after a certain amount of time passed and that triggered the event.