As of today 2018-05-18 the players character is automaticaly walking over the fence on the "stress test" server.
Wouldn't it be a great solution to keep it that way but having two animations, one for slow and one for fast movement.
Why? less work and then there is more space for a random element that brings more immersion, but let me explain how:
first of all, actions like eating will be aborted if "walking" over a fence, and now there is some nice reality to it, while you are eating and trying to run over the fence there is a chance to fall, and there is a chance to take damage from an item for example the baked beans tin can has an chance to make you bleed after falling.
And higher obstakles should have a keypress to be used.
At last:
Sorry for using your Bug reports for a simple sugesstion, please feel free to provide me an address where i can send such ideas without distracting you.