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Zombie through building - Arm glitch - Cargo Ship Wreck textures - Items from a container in the floor to Hands - WaterproofBag Slots
New, NormalPublic


.63 experimental:

1)in zelenogorsk, i attacked a zombie with an axe from behind, it didn't saw me, the reaction to the attack was a charge/run, running away from me, until 15meters later it disappeared through a Piano Mansion, when i got into the mansion, the zombie wasnt there, 2 seconds later it appeared with half the body bellow the floor,alive.

  1. picked a waterproof bag in the ship wreck 5 min after spawn, i had it in my hands, after some time running with it and dropping it in the floor and taking it in my hands again, i noticed my left arm was going through the torso
  1. after spawning and while looting the Cargo Ship Wreck from north berezino, many of the ship textures where not there, it was raining and night time
  1. when placing a container (waterproofbag in my case) in the floor, when Double-clicking or dragging an apple and other items from inside it to my empty hands, it didnt take it, i had to move the item to my bag and after that to my empty hands
  1. when trying to place some items in the First LEFT column of slots inside the waterproof bag it didnt allow me, item went Red, the column was empty, proved with apples, bullets and water bottle (when i picked items with my hands and automatically went inside the waterproofbag they were able to place themself and use the first column)


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Enterprise 1709
Additional Information
  1. it only happend to 1 zombie from 50+ i have attacked
  1. not all the textures, some doors looked black until you went through them
  1. happend really often

Event Timeline

Wasito created this task.May 17 2018, 2:14 AM