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HUNGRY, Finding no food.
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When you enter in the game you are already almost starving, this is kind of boring but ok, you go to the town and you find NO FOOD i was searching for hours and i found like... a tin can...

Many of my friends abandon the game due to this lack of food and really... we could not meet each other! we were dead trying. People buy a multiplayer game to play together and this is really hard to do when you die of starvation every 20min of gameplay.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Enter in one server, go to the city, find no food, die in 20min.

Additional Information

I played a lot of times in different servers and most of then heve no food. I dont know when devs did that... but some years ago we use to find food in city and hungry was more balanced.

(People migrate from arma 2 to DayzSA moastly for PVP. So.... i think DayzSA already lost a TON of players due this exagerated PVE, hardcore survival balancing)

Event Timeline

Wilfer created this task.May 9 2018, 12:37 PM