When using floating point step values in the for "_i" from a to b step c do {} construct (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/for_do), end value behavior is not as expected.
for "_x" from 0.1 to 0.5 step 0.1 do {diag_log _x}
20:21:50 0.1 20:21:50 0.2 20:21:50 0.3 20:21:50 0.4 20:21:50 0.5
for "_x" from 0.1 to 0.6 step 0.1 do {diag_log _x}
20:21:53 0.1 20:21:53 0.2 20:21:53 0.3 20:21:53 0.4 20:21:53 0.5 20:21:53 0.6
for "_x" from 0.1 to 0.7 step 0.1 do {diag_log _x}
20:21:57 0.1 20:21:57 0.2 20:21:57 0.3 20:21:57 0.4 20:21:57 0.5 20:21:57 0.6
for "_x" from 0.1 to 0.8 step 0.1 do {diag_log _x}
20:22:00 0.1 20:22:00 0.2 20:22:00 0.3 20:22:00 0.4 20:22:00 0.5 20:22:00 0.6 20:22:00 0.7